BioReprogramming Program ~The Project Purpose - August 27, 2023 at 7 pm Istanbul Time

BioReprogramming Program ~The Project Purpose - August 27, 2023 at 7 pm Istanbul Time

Regular price $79.00 Sale

BioReprogramming®  Program - The Project Purpose

This seminar will uncover the origins of illness in terms of ancestral and gestational subconscious programming. You will understand how the parent’s life traumas, conflicts, and intentions are downloaded to the offspring during gestation and how our lives are influenced by what is called the Parental Project. You will learn how to access a state of freedom in your life and how to create your own path, using the Re-Encoding TimeLine Pattern©. 

During this module, you will learn about:

• The mechanism behind the parental project based on universal laws

• The influence that parents’ emotional conflicts have on the fetus

• How to deprogram unwanted parental influences

• How to create a life on your own terms, using the Reencoding Timeline Pattern©

• How to identify limiting beliefs, and how to change them

• The emotional conflicts related to the male and female reproductive systems

• The emotional conflicts related to multiple sclerosis

• The secondary gain of illness and how to eliminate it

• How to attain your health and life objectives using the resources of your mind

Fee per module: $79